RV Canucks

You Don't Need to Be Handy to RV - Here's Why | Ep. 30

RV Canucks Season 2 Episode 30

This episode is short, sweet, and super important because it all revolves around a piece of listener mail we received asking if someone who was not mechanically inclined could even join the RV community.

Our answer is a resounding YES!! The RV community is a great bunch of folks who are ALL former newbies and we want the best for everyone who wants to give this lifestyle a try.

In this episode, we'll go through why you can still have fulfilling RV adventures even if you don't know your way around a fuse panel, a black water tank or a propane system.

Have tips of your own you want to share? let us know!

Send us an email to hello@rvcanucks.com or reach out on Instagram or Facebook